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Affirmations: An Act of Self-Love

I speak affirmations over my life daily. I don't have a routine per se regarding when or where I repeat my affirmations but I say them out loud and to myself spontaneously throughout my day. I use my personal affirmations as tools to inspire me to be my very best self. Affirmations push me to give my all even when I have very little to give. Affirmations are my frame of reference on those not so good days as I know that "This too shall pass". I set my intentions and watch God work. As we've all heard before, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." I receive it and this is why I use affirmations as a tool that fosters abundance in my life.

I'm encouraging you to develop at least one affirmation this month and to say it to yourself throughout the course of each day. The mind is a powerful tool and our words hold weight. Speak these things into existence and they shall be. You can (and you will) have the life you desire to live.

My affirmation, for the month of October, was crafted by Ms. Iyanla Vanzant.

"I am showered with an abundance of wealth, prosperity, and peace."

Friends: I would love to gather a running list of affirmations from the Copper and Brass Gang. If you would please add a positive affirmation in the comments below. We can all benefit from this list and use affirmations that best fit our personal needs. Share as many as you like and lets have some dialogue about the benefits of using daily affirmations.

Life has been "life-in", this world is tough, and I for one just want to be a better human.

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